ALGAE BLOOMS: DID YOU KNOW? by Allstate Resource Management
by Allstate Resource Management
The climate in Florida is wonderful in many ways, but the year round warm weather and heat in the summer can increase algae blooms.
1. Lawn fertilizers are a big contributor to algae blooms. Leave at least a 10 foot buffer when dispensing fertilizer near a waterway. Fertilizer in the street will wash into the storm drains and all storm drains lead to the waterways.
2. Never blow or dispose of trash and lawn clippings into streets, storm drains, or waterways. They are loaded with nutrients and as they decay, they feed the algae blooms. All storm drains lead to the waterways.
3. Algae blooms may affect oxygen levels and block light which will harm the aquatic environment.

Allstate Resource Management has 25 + years helping South Florida homeowners associations with waterway management.
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