Access to this page is restricted to logged in Members only: OOP’s you must log in first.  Once logged in you can Visit the MEMBERS PORTAL If you are not a member of sfpma. Please learn how becoming a member can help your company and you in the property management industry. Thank You, SFPMA The Graph Shows: How many people have viewed your page. Featured Image: Shows you the first picture for your listing (identify your listing easy) This is helpful if you have different locations that you have listed with different pictures. Membership includes you to list the office locations for your company on *separate pages and manage each of them. Each listing will be placed on the map showing where you are located along with what each office can offer clients. ( Contact us, if your company wishes to add other locations on separate page listings ). *Multiple Listings: You must call our office to allow multiple listings and have paid the multiple listings fees. Contact Us Listings Title: This is the actual listing name as it shows on our website, you can view and add information to your listing, then make sure it looks great. Listings Status: Once you make changes and press the Save your listing button on the edit page it is Published right away.  Manage Listings: This is where you Edit your listings, Click on the EDIT button the page will refresh and below your dashboard you can make changes to each tab don’t forget to save the changes to your listings (button “Save your Listings” at the bottom of the edit page) Favorites: As you are viewing other companies on the directory you can mark these as favorites they will show up on your listing dashboard making it easy for you to find and use them again. (This is a great feature for our management professionals – As they use a member for services; They can keep a list on hand, so they can find and use you over and over again) Keep your membership page fresh and up to date !...

This content is for Service Membership, Business Membership, and Property Management Membership members only.
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