Pest Control for Construction Projects

Pest Control for Construction Projects

  • Posted: Aug 04, 2016
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Whether you’re renovating an older-style building, or constructing entirely new, redesigning your building’s structure can be exciting. However, if the right precautions aren’t taken, new construction can also attract unwanted attention from pests.

To help prevent pest issues during construction and ensure your facility does not become home to pests once construction is complete, our member Scott Cooksey, Owner of Bug Thugs Pest Protection. Pest Control Specialist, explains how you can build pest management into your construction plans.

There are a variety of proactive measures your facility can take before, during and after the construction process to accomplish this, Let us explain:


hire-an-insect-control-service“Before construction even begins, it’s important to get two people on board: your pest management provider and your contractor. An experienced pest management provider can do more than prevent and manage pest infestations that pop up during construction….

“When involved from day one, he/she can also provide feedback on building materials and locations that will be the least attractive to pests, and help you build measures into your construction plan that will lead to a successful pest management program when the doors to your new facility finally open,” He Said.


Several tips your pest management professional may provide include:

  • Use non-cellulose building materials to deter termites.
  • Consider applying a preventive termite barrier to the property.
  • Use pest monitors to assess pest populations in the surrounding area.
  • Understanding which pest species will be a threat will help you determine what steps you need to take to deter them.
  • Understand geographic conditions.
  • Selecting a location for your facility near a water source might create additional pest pressures.
  • Sufficiently grade the property to prevent puddles from forming around the foundation.

Remember, moisture attracts pests like mosquitoes and termites. Even though your management team may be the ultimate decision maker, it will be up to your contractor to take the lead on pest management during his/her work.

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